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", "forgot_password.form.label": "Email address", "reset_password.title": "New password", "reset_password.error.email.not_valid": "Please enter a valid email address.", "reset_password.error.email.required": "Email is required.", "reset_password.error.password.match": "Passwords don\u2019t match. Please try again.", "reset_password.error.password.required": "Password is required.", "reset_password.error.confirm.required": "Confirm password is required.", "reset_password.form.password.label": "Password", "reset_password.form.confirm.label": "Confirm password", "section.untitled": "Untitled section", "section.hint": "Click to add section", "section.placeholder": "Section name", "signin.error.email.not_valid": "Please enter a valid email address.", "signin.error.email.required": "Email is required.", "signin.error.password.required": "Password is required.", "signin.error.wrong_credentials": "The email or password you\u2019ve entered is incorrect. Please, try again.", "signin.subtitle.new": "New to Zealoq? ", "signin.forgot_label": "Forgot password?", "signin.title": "Sign in to Zealoq", "signin.socials": "Continue with social accounts", "signin.subtitle.create": "Create an account", "signin.form.email.label": "Email address", "signin.form.remember.label": "Stay signed in", "signin.form.password.label": "Password", "signin.form.forgot_password": "Forgot your password?", "signup.email_button": "Sign up with email", "signup.google_button": "Continue with Google", "signup.facebook_button": "Continue with Facebook", "signup.linkedin_button": "Continue with Linkedin", "signup.all_options": "All sign up options", "signup.password.helper": "Password must be 6 characters or longer.", "signup.error.email.not_valid": "Please enter a valid email address.", "signup.error.email.exist": "It looks like this email belongs to an existing account.", "signup.error.email.exist.hint.login": "Log in instead.", "signup.error.email.exist.hint.change": "or try a different email address.", "signup.error.email.required": "Email is required.", "signup.error.name.required": "Full name is required.", "signup.error.password.required": "Password is required.", "signup.error.password.min": "Password must be at least 6 characters long.", "signup.error.confirm.required": "Confirm password is required.", "signup.error.password.match": "Passwords don\u2019t match. Please try again.", "signup.title": "Join Zealoq", "signup.subtitle": "Already have an account?", "signup.form.email.label": "Email address", "signup.form.name.label": "Full name", "signup.form.password.label": "Password", "signup.form.confirm.label": "Confirm password", "signup.form.terms.title": "By clicking the \u201cSign up\u201d , you are creating a Zealoq account, and you agree to Zealoq\u2019s Terms of Use and Zealoq\u2019s Privacy Policy", "signup.form.terms": "Terms of Use", "signup.form.privacy": "Privacy Policy", "signup.form.receive_email": "I\u2019m ok to receive emails about Zealoq.", "signup.privacy": "By clicking the \u201cSign up\u201d , you are creating a Zealoq account, and you agree to Zealoq\u2019s and Zealoq\u2019s Privacy Policy.", "verify_email.title": "Check your email", "verify_email.subtitle": "We have sent a 6-digit code to your email #VALUE#.", "verify_email.error.code": "The code you\u2019ve entered is incorrect. Please try again.", "card.create_btn": "Add a new card", "card.comments.write_btn": "Write a comment", "card.progress.complete": "#VALUE#% complete", "card.footer.count": "#VALUE# cards", "card.footer.count.comments": "#VALUE# comments", "card.footer.count.attachments": "#VALUE# attachments", "card.footer.count.single": "#VALUE# card", "card.footer.no_level": "No level", "card.content.no_link": "No links", "card.actions.tooltip": "More actions", "card.actions.update": "Update", "card.actions.store": "Store", "card.actions.publish": "Publish", "card.actions.republish": "Republish", "card.actions.copy": "Copy", "card.actions.rename": "Rename", "card.actions.delete": "Delete", "card.actions.move": "Copy to deck", "card.thumbnails.actions.edit": "Edit link", "card.thumbnails.actions.delete": "Delete link", "card.count": "Cards (#VALUE#)", "card.no_attachment": "No files attached", "card.attached_count": "#COUNT# files attached", "card.untitled": "Untitled card", "card.error.name.required": "Card name is required", "card.create.name.placeholder": "Card name", "card.create.notes.placeholder": "Add some notes...", "card.create.skills.placeholder.type": "Type a skill", "card.create.skills.placeholder.add": "Add skills", "card.create.links.placeholder.type": "Type a link", "card.create.links.placeholder.add": "Add link", "card.create.skills.no_related": "No related skills", "card.create.skills.related": "Related Skills", "card.create.skills.more": "Show more related skills", "card.create.attachment.popup.upload": "Upload", "card.create.attachment.popup.url": "File URL", "card.create.attachment.popup.dropzone.title": "Drop your files to upload", "card.create.attachment.popup.dropzone.hint": "Drag and drop files here or", "card.create.attachment.popup.info": "The maximum size per a file is 5MB", "card.create.attachment.popup.error": "Upload failed. The file size exceeds the max limit.", "group.chat.members.total": "#COUNT# members", "group.chat.typing": "#VALUE# is typing", "group.chat.members.online": "#COUNT# online", "group.chat.input.placeholder": "Message...", "group.chat.title": "Group messages", "workspace.no_projects.title": "No decks", "workspace.projects.load": "Loading your decks", "workspace.cards.load": "Loading your cards", "workspace.groups.load": "Loading your classrooms", "workspace.no_cards.title": "No cards", "workspace.no_groups.title": "No groups yet", "workspace.no_projects.button": "Create new deck", "workspace.no_cards.button": "Create new card", "workspace.no_groups.button": "Create new group", "workspace.no_items.subtitle": "Make sure there are no filters applied or try to create something new.", "group.untitled": "Type group name...", "group.crate.private": "This group is private", "group.private": "Private group", "groups.count": "Groups (#VALUE#)", "groups.modals.invite": "Invite people", "groups.btn.add": "Add decks", "groups.btn.assign": "Assign a deck", "groups.btn.unassign": "Unassign a deck", "groups.btn.remove": "Remove deck", "groups.modals.add.title": "Select decks", "groups.modals.add.button": "Add to group", "groups.modals.assign.button": "Assign to a member", "groups.modals.invite.button": "Invite to group", "groups.modals.invite.placeholder": "ex: user@example.com or John Doe", "groups.modals.add.search.placeholder": "Search in My workspace", "groups.modals.invite.no_users": "No users found", "groups.modals.actions.remove.hint": "Are you sure you want to delete group #VALUE#?", "groups.modals.actions.remove.title": "Remove group", "groups.modals.invite.hint": "We have sent an invitation to join Zealoq. Note, once the user accepts an invitation and sign up, we will automatically add him/her to your group. The invitation is active for 30 days.", "groups.modals.add.empty_workspace": "You do not have decks in workspace or added all decks", "groups.modals.add.empty_query": "No deck found", "groups.modals.assign.no_user": "There is no deck to assign user", "groups.modals.invite.new_user": "Invite#VALUE#to Zealoq", "groups.modals.remove.hint": "This deck will be unassigned from all members as well, are you sure?", "groups.modals.unassign.hint": "This deck will be unassigned from member, are you sure?", "modal.card.actions.move.title": "Copy card to a deck", "modal.card.actions.move.note": "Done statuses and notes will not be copied.", "modal.card.actions.move.copy_to": "Copy to", "modal.card.actions.move.select.placeholder": "Choose a deck", "modal.card.actions.move.input.placeholder": "Enter card name", "modal.card.actions.copy": "Copy Card", "modal.card.actions.copy.label": "Name", "modal.card.actions.copy.hint": "Note, that all the comments, progress will not be copied. People who have access to the original deck, will not have access to the copied version until you invite them.", "modal.card.actions.rename.title": "Rename Card", "modal.card.actions.rename.label": "Name", "modal.card.actions.remove.title": "Move to trash?", "modal.card.actions.remove.hint": "Are you sure you want to delete #VALUE#? If this card is shared, collaborators can still make a copy of it until it\u2019s permanently deleted.", "feed.card.footer.card_count": "#VALUE# cards", "feed.loading": "Loading your feed", "feed.card.footer.skills_count": "#VALUE# skills", "feed.categories.title": "Popular Categories", "feed.categories.manage": "Manage categories", "feed.forum.title": "Forum (#COUNT#)", "feed.forum.no_message": "No messages yet", "feed.forum.input.placeholder": "What are your thoughts on this deck?", "feed.project_preview.level": "Deck level", "feed.project_preview.skills.title": "What skills you will learn", "feed.project_preview.attachments.title": "Attachments", "feed.top_authors.title": "Who to follow", "feed.signin.title": "Zealoq is a social learning and experience sharing network.", "feed.signin.subtitle": "Another title for this article can be How to write an ad that.", "feed.modal.project_preview.title": "Deck preview", "feed.modal.project_preview.publish_date": "Published: #VALUE#", "feed.modal.card_preview.title": "Card preview", "categories_select.favorite": "Popular categories 2?", "categories_select.waiting_text": "Just a few more seconds! Working on your feed", "categories_select.other": "Other Categories", "categories_select.button_text": "Pick 5 more to create your feed", "categories_select.title": "What are your interests?", "project.create.cover.search": "Search for images\u2026", "project.error.name.required": "Deck name is required", "project.untitled": "Untitled deck", "project.count": "Decks (#VALUE#)", "project.create.skills.no_related": "No related skills", "project.create.skills.more": "Show more related skills", "project.create.roles.placeholder.type": "Type a role", "project.create.roles.placeholder.add": "Add roles", "project.create.skills.placeholder.type": "Type a skill", "project.create.skills.placeholder.add": "Add skills", "project.create.name.placeholder": "Untitled deck", "project.create.level.placeholder": "Add level", "project.create.level.beginner": "Beginner", "project.create.level.middle": "Middle", "project.create.level.advanced": "Advanced", "project.actions.copy": "Copy", "project.actions.rename": "Rename", "project.actions.invite": "Invite people to collaborate", "project.actions.delete": "Delete", "modal.project.actions.publish.stepper": "Step #VALUE# of #COUNT#", "modal.project.actions.publish.dont_show_welcome": "Dont show it anymore", "modal.project.actions.publish.welcome.title": "Welcome to Publishing", "modal.project.actions.publish.welcome.info.header": "There are certain rules to ensure Zealoq Feed contains only high quality information and increase your chances of discoverability. These rules apply to both standalone cards and cards with decks.", "modal.project.actions.publish.welcome.info.list": "

1.Each published card must have a skill related to the card. It shows the learners and other users what skills they will gain by downloading your published cards.

2.Each published card must have a minimum description to allow users to understand whether it fits in their learning process or not.

3.You must refer to the source if you are citing from another author in the description or insert the appropriate link and refer to the author.

", "modal.project.actions.publish.welcome.agreement": "By continuing you agree to Zealoq\u2019s Publishing Rules and Privacy Policy.", "modal.project.actions.publish.select_cards.title": "Publish deck", "modal.project.actions.publish.select_cards.hind": "Select the cards that are ready to be published. Note, that you can republish the deck anytime.", "modal.project.actions.publish.select_cards.loader": "Loading your selected deck cards...", "modal.project.actions.publish.select_cards.select_all": "Select all", "modal.project.actions.publish.select_cards.empty.title": "No cards in this deck", "modal.project.actions.publish.select_cards.empty.subtitle": "A deck cannot be published without content. You can add cards to the deck on the deck details page.", "modal.project.actions.publish.details.title": "Publishing details", "modal.project.actions.publish.details.checkmark.reuse.title": "Reusable deck", "modal.project.actions.publish.details.checkmark.reuse.subtitle": "Other users can make a copy of this deck and use for their own needs.", "modal.project.actions.publish.details.checkmark.comments.title": "Comments enabled", "modal.project.actions.publish.details.checkmark.comments.subtitle": "Other users can leave comments for this deck.", "modal.project.actions.publish.details.hint": "Make sure to select the right options for the deck. You will not be able to change it in the future. So choose carefully.", "modal.project.actions.publish.reuse.title": "Reuse deck", "modal.project.actions.publish.reuse.hint": "Enable other users to make a copy of this deck and use for their own needs.", "modal.project.actions.publish.comments.title": "Enable comments", "modal.project.actions.publish.comments.hint": "Enable others to leave comments for your deck.", "modal.project.actions.publish.summary.title": "What\u2019s in this deck?", "modal.project.actions.copy.title": "Copy deck", "modal.project.actions.copy.label": "Name", "modal.project.actions.copy.hint": "Note, that all the comments, progress will not be copied. People who have access to the original deck, will not have access to the copied version until you invite them.", "modal.project.actions.rename.title": "Rename deck", "modal.project.actions.rename.label": "Name", "modal.project.actions.remove.title": "Move to trash?", "modal.project.actions.remove.hint": "Are you sure you want to delete #VALUE#?", "modal.project.actions.remove_group.hint": "Are you sure you want to delete"#VALUE#"This cannot be undone.", "modal.project.actions.remove_group.label1": "It will be removed from all groups.", "modal.project.actions.remove_group.label2": "Anyone in that groups will no longer have access.", "project_details.sidebar.description.hint": "Describe the deck so people can know what it is about.", "project_details.sidebar.heading.title": "Deck info", "project_details.sidebar.heading.subtitle": "Updated: #VALUE#", "project_details.sidebar.description.modal.title": "Edit deck description", "project_details.reposition_hint": "Drag or scroll image to reposition", "project_details.toc.title": "Table of content", "project_details.toc.no_cards": "No cards added", "project_details.stats.title": "Statistics", "project_details.stats.views": "Views", "project_details.stats.unique_views": "Unique views", "project_details.stats.downloads": "Downloads", "project_details.stats.upvote": "Upvote", "project_details.stats.downvote": "Downvote", "project_details.stats.comments": "Comments", "project_details.stats.used_in_other_projects": "Cards used in other decks", "addNew.project.hint": "Create a deck, add cards, roles and skills", "addNew.card.hint": "Create a card with links and documents", "addNew.group.hint": "Create a group, invite people and work together", "addNew.quiz.hint": "Create a quiz, check and validate skills", "addNew.tooltip": "We are working hard to get this feature to you as soon as possible. It will be available soon.", "addNew.in_progress": "Coming soon", "target_skills.title": "Target skills", "target_skills.clean_filters": "(#VALUE#) Clean filters", "target_skills.add_skills": "Add skills", "target_skills.no_skills": "No skills added", "sl_tool.title": "Self learning tools", "sl_tool.title.mode": "Self learning", "sl_tool.track.card": "Track by cards completed", "sl_tool.track.skills": "Track by skills learned", "sl_tool.track.skills_learned": "#COUNT# skills learned", "sl_tool.count.skills_learned": "#VALUE# skills learned", "sl_tool.track.todo_done": "#VALUE# to-do\u2019s done", "sl_tool.track.cards_done": "#COUNT# cards completed", "sl_tool.complete": "#VALUE#% complete", "right_suggestions.title": "More skills you can add", "right_suggestions.no_skills": "No skills to add", "filters.project": "Deck", "filters.groups": "Groups", "filters.card": "Card", "filters.name": "Name", "filters.card_count": "Cards count", "filters.type": "Type", "filters.new": "New", "filters.for_you": "For you", "filters.sort_by": "Sort by", "filters.skill": "Skill", "filters.skills": "Skills", "filters.skill.title": "Filter by skills", "filters.clear": "Clear all", "filters.skill.placeholder": "Search skills...", "filters.skill.no_result": "No skills found", "filters.skill.apply": "Apply filters", "filters.title": "Title", "filters.updated": "Last modified", "filters.recent": "Last created", "filters.filter_by": "Filter by", "success.card.delete": "Card is successfully deleted.", "success.card.publish": "Card is successfully published.", "success.card.republish": "Card is successfully republished.", "success.card.download": "Card is successfully added to your workspace.", "success.card.skip": "Card update is successfully skipped.", "success.card.rename": "Card is successfully renamed.", "success.card.create": "Card is successfully created.", "success.card.update": "Card is successfully updated.", "success.card.move": "Card is successfully added in the deck.", "success.card.copy": "Card is successfully copied/moved.", "success.card.view": "View card", "success.group.create": "Group is successfully created.", "success.group.delete": "Group is successfully deleted.", "success.group.view": "View group", "success.project.delete": "Deck is successfully deleted.", "success.project.update": "Deck is successfully updated.", "success.project.create": "Deck is successfully created.", "success.project.skip": "null", "success.project.download": "Deck is successfully added to your workspace.", "success.project.copy": "Deck is successfully copied.", "success.project.view": "View deck", "success.project.rename": "null", "success.file.upload": "File uploaded.", "success.undefined": "Success!", "success.common.create": "Successfully created", "success.common.updated": "Successfully updated", "success.common.delete": "Successfully deleted", "success.common.copy": "Successfully copied", "success.common.download": "Successfully added to workspace", "success.common.skip": "Successfully skipped", "success.common.publish": "Successfully published", "success.common.republish": "Successfully republished", "success.password_change": "Password successfully changed", "success.profile_update": "Profile updated successfully", "success.avatar_upload": "Profile picture successfully uploaded", "error.link.wrong": "Wrong link, can not access the origin!", "error.file.upload": "Error while uploading file!", "error.project.get": "Error while fetching deck!", "error.project.update": "Error while updating deck!", "error.card.copy": "Error while copying card!", "error.project.copy": "Error while copying deck!", "error.card.delete": "Error while removing card!", "error.project.delete": "Error while removing deck!", "error.card.update": "Error while updating card!", "error.project.skills.update": "Error while updating deck skills!", "error.undefined": "Something went wrong. Try again.", "error.profile_get": "Cannot get profile data. Try again.", "error.profile_update": "Cannot update profile. Try again.", "error.avatar_upload": "Cannot upload profile picture. Try again.", "error.password_change": "Something went wrong. Try again.", "error.common.title": "Oops!", "error.common.message": "Something went wrong.", "info.common.title": "Info", "info.common.message": "Info message", "info.common.unsaved_card": "Please save card or close creation view", "avatar_edit.accept_png": "Accept only images!", "avatar_edit.drop": "Drop your image here", "avatar_edit.change_btn": "Change profile image", "profile.speciality.placeholder": "No title", "profile.company.placeholder": "No company", "profile.experience": "#VALUE#", "profile.experience.placeholder": "No experience", "profile.location.placeholder": "No location", "profile.socials.title": "Social", "profile.email.heading": "Edit email", "profile.password.heading": "Edit password", "profile_edit.name.label": "Name", "profile_edit.email.label": "Email address", "profile_edit.email.classroom": "Classroom notifications", "profile_edit.email.classroom.chat": "Classroom chat notifications", "profile_edit.email.feed.forum": "Feed forum notifications", "profile_edit.email.feed.vote": "Upvote/Downvote notifications", "profile_edit.email.feed.update": "Resources update notifications", "profile_edit.email.unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe from all", "profile_edit.email.show": "Show email in my profile", "profile_edit.about.title": "About", "profile_edit.speciality.label": "Specialty/Title", "profile_edit.company.label": "Company/School", "profile_edit.experience.label": "Level of experience", "profile_edit.location.label": "Location", "profile_edit.bio.label": "Bio", "profile_edit.socials.label": "Social profile\u2019s URL", "profile_edit.socials.linkedin.label": "Linkedin profile\u2019s URL", "profile_edit.socials.facebook.label": "Facebook profile\u2019s URL", "profile_edit.socials.twitter.label": "Twitter profile\u2019s URL", "profile_edit.socials.personal.label": "Personal site/portfolio URL", "profile_edit.name.validate": "Name is required", "profile_edit.bio.validate": "300 characters maximum", "profile_edit.socials.validate": "Please provide valid social links", "profile_edit.password.current.required": "Current password can\u2019t be blank.", "profile_edit.password.new.required": "New password can\u2019t be blank.", "profile_edit.password.confirm.required": "Confirm password can\u2019t be blank.", "profile_edit.password.current.label": "Current password", "profile_edit.password.new.label": "New password", "profile_edit.password.confirm.label": "Confirm password", "profile_edit.navigation.edit": "Edit profile", "profile_edit.navigation.email": "Email settings", "profile_edit.navigation.password": "Change password", "profile_edit.navigation.mentor": "Mentorship settings", "profile_edit.navigation.connect": "Connect accounts", "profile_edit.navigation.close": "Close account", "error_page.title": "Yaaay! You found our puppy.", "error_page.subtitle": "Don\u2019t worry, we will take care of him.", "update_popup.title": "Changes in this update", "update_popup.description": "What\u2019s new in this version", "update_popup.date": "Updated on #VALUE#", "notifications.actions.remove": "Remove this notification", "notifications.empty.title": "No notifications to show", "notifications.empty.subtitle": "You have no notifications from the last 30 days.", "notifications.actions.mark_read": "Mark as read", "notifications.actions.mark_unread": "Mark as unread", "banner.early_adopter.heading": "Don\u2019t miss a limited opportunity to be", "banner.early_adopter.title": "Zealoq Early Adopter", "banner.early_adopter.subtitle": "Join now and experience all the benefits. You can learn more about the benefits ", "banner.get_started.title": "You\u2019re now a part of the first social learning and experience sharing platform!", "banner.get_started.subtitle": "Things to get started with", "banner.get_started.option1": "Create and publish your first deck", "banner.get_started.option2": "Download resources from other authors", "banner.get_started.option3": "Complete your profile", "banner.limited_offer.heading.title": "Limited time offer", "banner.limited_offer.heading.title2": "Successfully done", "banner.limited_offer.content.title": "Create cards and decks, share your experience and get paid.", "banner.limited_offer.content.title2": "Thank you for your interest in Zealoq.", "banner.limited_offer.content.text": "Don\u2019t miss a chance to earn money by sharing your experience. Enroll now, and we will get back to you to talk details.", "banner.limited_offer.content.text2": "You will receive a confirmation email. Our customer support team will reach out to you in a few days to talk the details.", "widget.intention.title": "Tell us about your intentions and get exclusive badges.", "widget.intention.text": "What would suit you better in Zealoq? Do you want to be a Consultant, or you want to learn new skills, or may be both? Tell us, and we will help you to achieve your goals in no time.", "widget.intention.actions.skip": "Skip this time", "widget.intention.actions.start": "Start the survey", "widget.intention.modal.title1": "I want to be...", "widget.intention.modal.title2": "I\u2019m expert in...", "widget.intention.modal.title3": "I\u2019m available to...", "widget.intention.modal.title4": "I would like to...", "widget.intention.modal.title5": "I\u2019m interested in...", "widget.intention.modal.would_like.checkbox1": "Create or download tutorials and learn myself", "widget.intention.modal.would_like.checkbox2": "Get a guidance from an experienced consultant/mentor", "widget.intention.modal.would_like.checkbox3": "Find groups and learn with like-minded people", "widget.intention.modal.want_be.radio1": "Consultant/Mentor and help people grow", "widget.intention.modal.want_be.radio2": "Learner and improve my skills", "widget.intention.modal.want_be.radio3": "Both", "widget.intention.modal.available_to.checkbox1": "Create and sell tutorials", "widget.intention.modal.available_to.checkbox2": "One on One Consultancies/Mentorship", "widget.intention.modal.available_to.checkbox3": "Group classes", "common.card_view": "Card view", "widget.checkbox.hint": "*Select as many as you want", "badges.modal.title": "All badges", "btn.skip_for_now": "Skip for now", "common.card_details": "Card details", "common.card_edit": "Card edit", "common.card_info": "Card info", "common.updated_at": "Updated on", "common.author": "Author", "common.by": "by", "widget.intention.modal.expert_skills.placeholder": "Type your expertise skills\u2026", "common.share_to": "Share to:", "common.facebook": "Facebook", "common.linkedin": "Linkedin", "common.twitter": "Twitter", "feed.empty.title": "No resources found", "feed.empty.subtitle": "Remove any filters, or search for something less specific.", "feed.popular_skills.title": "Popular skills", "widget.extension.title": "Extension for Google Chrome", "widget.extension.text": "Save and organize your learning and research easily with Zealoq extension. Create Learning Cards with one click from any website you are browsing on.", "btn.get_extension": "Get extension", "incorrect_publish_modal.title": "Remember, there are some rules to follow before publishing your", "common.recommended_by": "Recommended by", "widget.intention.modal.interested_skills.placeholder": "Type your interested skills\u2026", "invite_modal.title": "Invite to Zealoq", "categories_modal.title": "Select Categories", "common.copy_to_workspace": "Copy to workspace", "common.notifications": "Notifications", "common.posts": "posts", "common.followers": "followers", "common.social_networks": "Social networks", "profile_edit.account_settings.title": "Account settings", "common.top_skills": "Top skills", "common.interested_skills": "Interested in", "common.thank_you": "Thank you", "common.here": "here", "banner.early_adopter.heading2": "Happy to see you onboard!", "banner.early_adopter.title2": "Thank you for considering being part of a growing community. There are certain asks we have of you, please check your profile for more Early Adopter details.", "btn.go_to_my_account": "Go to My account", "early_adopter.modal.title": "Early Adopter Benefits", "early_adopter.modal.heading": "As a Zealoq Early Adopter you get", "early_adopter.modal.text": "- Early access to new developments and discussions to make Zealoq work better for you - Promotion of your published materials by Zealoq team - Guidance if you intend to learn a new skill. We organize 1x1 meetings with mentors and more experienced peers to help you achieve your targets - Reduced or waived platform fee when you sell your instructions or consult learners- Reduced or waived mentor fees, in select cases we just pay for you", "feed.preview.card.overlay.title": "Download cards and decks, learn and share your experience with anyone on Zealoq.", "feed.preview.card.overlay.subtitle": "Sign up to get full access to this deck and tons of other resources on Zealoq. Download, learn, create and share. Level up your skills and help others grow.", "early_adopter_checklist.title": "Early adopter checklist", "common.available_for_mentorship": "Available for mentorship", "common.empty_card": "Empty card!", "common.add_skills_to_project": "Add skills to deck", "onboarding.workspace.welcome.title": "Welcome #VALUE# to your workspace!", "onboarding.workspace.welcome.content": "A single place to organize your learning with decks, cards and classrooms.", "onboarding.workspace.create_new.content": "Easily create a new deck, card or classroom.", "onboarding.workspace.create_new.title": "Start creating", "onboarding.details.welcome.content": "Here you will find all the information about your deck.", "onboarding.details.welcome.title": "Welcome to your deck\u2019s details page", "onboarding.feed.welcome.title": "Welcome to Zealoq feed", "onboarding.feed.welcome.content": "Here you will find all published resources.", "onboarding.feed.categories.content": "Find resources of selected category.", "onboarding.feed.categories.title": "Filter by categories", "onboarding.feed.skills.content": "Find resources of selected skills to see what\u2019s trending on Zealoq.", "onboarding.feed.skills.title": "Filter by skills", "onboarding.feed.add.content": "Save resources and start learning.", "onboarding.feed.add.title": "Add to workspace", "onboarding.details.add_skill.content": "Add skills that summarize what will be covered in this deck.", "onboarding.details.add_skill.title": "Deck skills", "onboarding.details.create_button.content": "Break down your deck into smaller, bite-sized parts which will help you get more detailed about your content.", "onboarding.details.create_button.title": "Add card", "onboarding.details.sl_tool.title": "Learning mode", "onboarding.details.sl_tool.content": "Switch on Learning mode to mark cards Done and track your progress.", "onboarding.details.publish_button.content": "Publish to Zealoq feed and make it available for others.", "onboarding.details.publish_button.title": "Publish the deck", "onboarding.details.info_button.content": "Find and edit your deck details.", "onboarding.details.info_button.title": "Deck details", "error_page.group.code": "Oops!", "error_page.group.title": "Classroom is not found", "error_page.group.subtitle": "The owner has deleted the classroom.", "badge.early_adopter_badge.description": "foo text", "badge.intention_badge.description": "foo text 2", "snackbar.copy_success": "Link copied to clipboard", "common.card": "card", "common.project": "Deck", "modal.project.actions.publish.restrict.subtitle": "Make sure your #VALUE# has the following:", "modal.project.actions.publish.restrict.description": "Minimum #VALUE# characters of descriptive text", "modal.project.actions.publish.restrict.skill": "Minimum one main skill", "modal.project.actions.publish.restrict.level": "Difficulty level of the deck", "modal.project.actions.publish.restrict.cards": "Minimum 3 cards", "common.privacy_policy": "Privacy policy", "url.privacy_policy": "https://zealoq.com/privacy-policy", "common.terms_of_use": "Terms of use", "common.blog": "Blog", "common.about": "About", "url.terms_of_use": "https://zealoq.com/terms-of-use", "url.help": "null", "url.blog": "https://zealoq.com/blogs", "url.about": "https://zealoq.com/", "feed.infinite_loading.text": "Loading more content\u2026", "modal.section.actions.remove": "Are you sure you want to delete #VALUE#? The section will be deleted and the cards will be moved to the section above.", "section.show.cards": "Show #VALUE# projects", "section.name.length": "(#VALUE#)", "common.accepted": "Accepted", "common.rejected": "Rejected", "btn.attach": "Attach", "sl.modal.image": "https://via.placeholder.com/640x375.png?text=Change+This+Image+Asap", "sl.modal.title": "Learning mode", "sl.modal.text": "Take a quick spin through your account. See how easy it is to create, share and learn in a single workspace.", "sl.modal.button": "Let's get started", "section.controll.addNewSection": "Add new section above", "section.controll.moveUp": "Move up", "section.controll.moveDown": "Move down", "section.controll.remove": "Remove section", "section.controll.show": "Show", "section.controll.hide": "Hide", "card.footer.count.link": "#VALUE# link", "card.footer.count.links": "#VALUE# links", "card.footer.count.attachment": "#VALUE# attachment", "btn.get_started": "Get started", "modal.feed.remove.title": "Remove from feed?", "modal.feed.remove.hint": "Are you sure you want to remove from feed #VALUE#?", "error_page.feed_item.title": "Resource is not found", "error_page.feed_item.subtitle": "The owner has deleted the resource.", "error_page.feed_item.code": "Oops!", "feed.filter.decks": "Decks", "feed.filter.cards": "Cards", "feed.filter.all": "All", "feed.filter.people": "People", "feed.filter.requests": "Requests", "signup.error.name.invalid": "Please enter a valid name", "registration_wizard.step": "Step #VALUE# of #COUNT#", "profile_wizard.tiles.create_sell": "Create and sell tutorials", "profile_wizard.tiles.mentorship": "1x1 mentorship & consultancy", "profile_wizard.tiles.group_classes": "Do group classes", "profile_wizard.origin_title": "Hi #VALUE#, what\u2019s your origin story?", "profile_wizard.location.hint": "Where do you live?", "profile_wizard.location.placeholder": "Ex. USA, Armenia, etc.", "profile_wizard.language.hint": "What languages do you speak?", "profile_wizard.language.placeholder": "Ex. English, Armenian, etc.", "profile_wizard.experience_title": "Awesome! What do you do for a living?", "profile_wizard.expertise.hint": "What\u2019s your expertise?", "profile_wizard.expertise.subtitle": "We have detected that you have experience in the following areas:", "profile_wizard.expertise.placeholder": "Enter 3 to 5 skills", "profile_wizard.level.hint": "Level of experience", "profile_wizard.level.placeholder": "Select level", "profile_wizard.about_title": "Love it! Tell us more about what you do.", "profile_wizard.company.hint": "Company/School", "profile_wizard.company.placeholder": "E.g. Google, Stanford University, etc.", "profile_wizard.title.hint": "Specialty/Title", "profile_wizard.title.placeholder": "E.g. Software developer, Student. etc.", "profile_wizard.photo_title": "Add profile photo so people can recognize you.", "profile_wizard.final_step_title": "Almost done! What would you love to do in Zealoq?", "search.results.title": "Search results for", "search.recent.title": "Recent searches", "search.recent.empty": "No recent searches", "create_card.name.hint.title": "Write a clear and descriptive title", "create_card.editor.hint.title": "Develop your content", "create_card.name.hint.content": "

First impressions are essential, and your card\u2019s title is your readers\u2019 first impression.

Think of it as a guide to the topic you cover in one short sentence.

", "create_card.editor.hint.content": "

Use a formatting tool to make your content compelling and attractive.

It will draw the user\u2019s attention to specific parts and emphasize important information.

Add images and media content to enrich the knowledge you share.

", "create_card.editor.skills.title": "Choose right skills", "create_card.skills.hint.content": "

The skills summarize what users will learn.

They act as keywords to help people find your deck.

", "create_card.skills.hint.title": "Choose right skills", "create_project.name.hint.title": "Write a clear and descriptive title", "create_project.editor.hint.title": "Develop your content", "create_project.name.hint.content": "

First impressions are essential, and your deck\u2019s title is your readers\u2019 first impression.

Think of it as a guide to the topic you cover in one short sentence.

", "create_project.editor.hint.content": "

Descriptive deck information includes the subject, what users will learn, prerequisites, and the target audience.

Use a formatting tool to make your description more compelling and attractive.

It will draw the user\u2019s attention to specific parts and emphasize important information.

", "create_project.editor.skills.title": "Choose right skills", "create_project.skills.hint.content": "

The skills summarize what users will learn.

They act as keywords to help people find your deck.

", "create_project.skills.hint.title": "Choose right skills", "file_preview.broken.title": "Broken image :(", "file_preview.broken.subtitle": "Couldn\u2019t preview file", "file_preview.broken.hint": "The file format is not supported, or it is too large", "common.shared_projects.count": "Shared decks #VALUE#", "upload_failed": "Upload failed", "comment_sidebar.empty.text": "No comments yet", "common.not_user": "Not a user", "common.pending_invitation": "Pending invitation", "popover.share_social": "Share your work to social medias like Facebook or Linkedin. Let others know what you are up to.", "common.shared_deck": "Shared deck", "common.published_deck": "Published deck", "shared_deck.rules.1": "Editors can add cards to your deck", "shared_deck.rules.2": "Editors can reorder cards in your deck", "shared_deck.rules.3": "Editors can add comments", "btn.leave": "Leave", "btn.remove": "Remove", "invite_modal.discard.message": "If you leave now, your changes will not be saved. Do you want to leave this page?", "invite_modal.discard.title": "Discard unsaved changes", "shared_deck.comment.message.placeholder": "Type your comment...", "common.shared_projects_with_me.count": "Shared with me #VALUE#", "guidance_modal.intro.title": "Taking Guidance in Zealoq is easier than ever.", "guidance_modal.intro.subtitle": "Simply share your deck with someone who can help, and you\u2019re ready to go.", "guidance_modal.methods.1.title": "Create new deck or choose from previously created decks", "guidance_modal.methods.1.subtitle": "You can create new deck or choose from already created decks in workspace.", "guidance_modal.methods.2.title": "Share your deck with others", "guidance_modal.methods.2.subtitle": "Easily share your deck with people and ask for guidance", "guidance_modal.final_step.choose.label": "Choose a deck", "guidance_modal.final_step.choose.placeholder": "Browse in workspace", "guidance_modal.privacy_link": "Learn about guidance", "btn.share": "Share", "guidance_cta.subtitle": "Did you know you can ask for guidance and get help from people in zealoq? Give it a try!", "guidance_cta.title": "Need Guidance for your learning?", "btn.ask_for_guidance": "Ask for guidance", "view_share_modal.publish_title": "#NAME# #TYPE# successfully published", "view_share_modal.download_title": "#NAME# #TYPE# successfully added to your workspace.", "common.share_to_social": "Share to social", "common.view": "View", "btn.explore": "Explore", "project_details.shared_deck.guidance.popover_text": "Share your deck with people and ask for guidance", "discard_modal.share_deck.message": "Are you sure you want to leave #VALUE#? You will lose your access to this deck", "discard_modal.share_deck.title": "Leave deck?", "discard_modal.invite_zealoq.message": "If you leave now, your changes will not be saved. Do you want to leave this page?", "discard_modal.invite_zealoq.title": "Discard unsaved changes", "project_details.shared_deck.guidance.pending_invitations.popover_text": "You have pending access requests", "common.upload": "Upload", "common.published_projects.count": "Published decks #VALUE#", "common.published_cards.count": "Published cards #VALUE#", "common.shared": "Shared", "common.add_description": "Add description", "common.no_description": "No description", "common.add_skills": "Add skills", "request_access.title.success": "Request sent", "request_access.title.default": "You need access", "request_access.subtitle.success": "You\u2019ll get an email and notification letting you know if the deck is shared with you.", "request_access.subtitle.default": "Ask for access, or switch to an account with access.", "request_access.submit_button": "Request access", "filter.types.my_own": "Owned by me", "filter.types.not_my_own": "Not owned by me", "filter.types.not_published": "Not published", "filter.types.published": "Published", "common.placeholder.type_to_search": "Type to search", "filter.types.shared": "Shared with others", "filter.types.not_shared": "Not shared with others", "stats.card.previews.title": "Card previews", "stats.card.previews.subtitle": "Times people viewed this card.", "stats.card.unique_previews.title": "Card unique previews", "stats.card.unique_previews.subtitle": "Number of unique users viewed this card.", "stats.card.downloads.title": "Downloads", "stats.card.downloads.subtitle": "Times people downloaded this card.", "stats.card.upvotes.title": "Upvotes", "stats.card.upvotes.subtitle": "Times people upvoted this card.", "stats.card.downvotes.title": "Downvotes", "stats.card.downvotes.subtitle": "Times people downvoted this card.", "stats.card.comments.title": "Comments", "stats.card.comments.subtitle": "Times people commented on this card.", "stats.card.reuses.title": "Card reused in other\u2019s decks", "stats.card.reuses.subtitle": "Times people reused cards of this deck.", "stats.project.previews.title": "Deck previews", "stats.project.previews.subtitle": "Times people viewed this deck.", "stats.project.unique_previews.title": "Deck unique previews", "stats.project.unique_previews.subtitle": "Number of unique users viewed this deck.", "stats.project.downloads.title": "Downloads", "stats.project.downloads.subtitle": "Times people downloaded this deck.", "stats.project.upvotes.title": "Upvotes", "stats.project.upvotes.subtitle": "Times people upvoted this deck.", "stats.project.downvotes.subtitle": "Times people downvoted this deck.", "stats.project.downvotes.title": "Downvotes", "stats.project.comments.subtitle": "Times people commented on this deck.", "stats.project.comments.title": "Comments", "stats.project.reuses.title": "Cards reused in other\u2019s decks", "stats.project.reuses.subtitle": "Times people reused cards of this deck.", "common.attachment": "attachment", "common.add_cards": "Add cards", "alpha.banner.title": "Welcome to Alpha version of Zealoq.", "alpha.banner.cta": "Invite friends", "popover.workspace.add_button": "You can easily create Decks, Cards and Classrooms here.", "common.add_cards": "Add cards", "common.items_selected": "items selected", "hint.you_have_no_decks": "You have no decks", "attach_card.modal.title": "Public materials", "common.from_workspace": "From workspace", "create_card.skills.placeholder": "Add skills to your card…", "create_card.editor.placeholder": "What this card is about…", "common.create_deck": "Create deck", "deck_info.title": "Deck description, level, authors and other information will be here", "deck_info.complete_description": "Complete description", "feature_unavailable.title": "This feature is not available on mobile", "feature_unavailable.subtitle": "For the full experience, please use the desktop version of Zealoq", "feed_forum.comment.unauth.title": "Sign up to leave a comment", "feed.search_input.placeholder": "Search Zealoq...", "feed_search.people_result.title": "People matching to #VALUE#", "guidance_modal.final_step.choose.title": "Start with a deck", "project.comments.all_comments": "All comments", "project_guidance.invite,title": "Share deck with people", "project_guidance.invite,placeholder": "Email or name", "project_guidance.invite,name.placeholder": "ex: user@email.com a Ani Kirakosyan", "project_guidance.learn_about": "Learn about sharing", "project_guidance.get_link.title": "Get link. Everyone with the link can request access to your deck", "btn.change_cover": "Change cover", "common.created_at": "Created on", "stats.not_published.title": "Statistics will be available here after publishing" }